Monday, August 1, 2016

Function in SQL

Firstly, we create a table with name employee

SQL AVG() Function -
This function returns the average value of numeric column in table
Example –
select avg(salary) as AverageSal from employee
output - 

SQL count function –
The COUNT() returns number of rows from the table

Example –
select COUNT(*) as ROWS from employee

Output – ROWS - 3 

SQL Max() Function –
This function returns the largest value of the selected column
Example –
select MAX(salary) as HigherSal from employee

Output – HigherSal – 24000

SQL Min() Function –
This function returns the smallest value from the column
Example –
select MIN(salary) as MinSal from employee

Output – MinSal -15000
SQL SUM() Function –
SUM() function returns the total of any column

Example –
select SUM(salary) as TotalSal from employee

Output – 59000

SQL LEN() function –

This function returns the number of character of any column
Example –
select LEN(name) as Name from employee

Output – 

SQL ROUND() function -
This is used to round a numeric field to the number of decimals specified.
Select round(column_name,decimals) from table-name