In the last article, I was explain about
Now In this article I am going to explain string function in SQL.
String Functions
The following are the string functions.
It returns the ASCII value of the left character in the given string.
select ASCII ('A') Ans: 65
select ASCII (.ABC') Ans: 65
Char (n)
It returns the character representing the given ASCII value.
select Char (66) Ans: B
Lower (str)
It converts string into lower case.
select Lower ('SHARAD') Ans: sharad
Upper (str)
It converts string into upper case.
select Upper ('sharad') Ans: SHARAD
Len (str)
It returns the length of the given string.
select Len (‘Sharad’) Ans: 6
Left (str, n)
It returns specified 'n' no. of characters from the left side of the given string.
select Left ('Sharad', 4) Ans: Shar
select * from Emp where Left (ename, 3) Ans: Sha
Right (str, n)
It returns specified n no. of characters from the right side of the given string.
select Right ('Sharad', 4) Ans: arad
Ques Write a query to get a list of employees whose names end with the character 'rd'?
Ans select * from Emp where Right (ename, 2)='RD'
Ques Write a query to get a details of employees whose names 3rd & 4th characters are 'IT'?
Ans select * from Emp where Right (Left (ename), 4), 2)='IT'
Substring (s, START, length)
It returns a part of the string from the given string 's', From the specified start character and no. of characters specified as length.
select Substring ('Hello', 1, 3) Ans Hel
select Substring ('Hello', 2, 3) Ans ell
Ques Write a query to get a details of employees whose names 3rd & 4th characters are 'IT'?
Ans select * from Emp where Substring (ename, 3, 2)='IT'
Reverse (str)
It returns the given string in the reverse order.
select Reverse ('shri') Ans: irhs
LTRIM (str)
It returns a string length eliminating any empty characters if present in the left side of the given string.
select Len ('..shar') Ans: 6
select LTRIM ('..shar') Ans: 4
RTRIM (str)
It returns a string length eliminating any empty characters if present in the right side of the given string.
select Len ('Shar..') Ans: 4
select RTRIM ('Shar..') Ans: 4
RTRIM (str) function is not much useful because any empty characters in the end of the string is not considered.
Replace (str, search, replace)
It returns a new string by replacing each occurrences of the ‘search’ character with ‘replace’ character in the given string 'str'.
select Replace ('Hello', 'L', 'K') Ans: HeKKo
Ques Write a select statement which retrieves the details of the customers whose name is 'SHARAD GUPTA'?
Ans select * from Emp where Replace (ename, ' ', '') Ans: SHARADGUPTA
CharIndex (search, str [,start]
It is used for finding the index position of the search character within the given string 's'.
select CharIndex ('E', 'Hello') Ans: 2
select CharIndex ('o', 'Hello World') Ans: 5
select CharIndex ('o', 'Hello World', 6) Ans: 8
1 In the above case even if the string contains multiple ‘o’ characters in it, it always search and returns the index of the first character because the search starts from the first character.
2 'Start' is used for specifying the location from where the search has to be started.
select CharIndex ('X', 'Hello') Ans: 0
Ques Write a query to get the list of all the employees whose name contains character 'M' in them?
Ans select * from Emp where CharIndex ('M', ename) > 0
STUFF (str, start, length, Replace)
It replaces the given string with the Replace string from the specified starting character to the no. of characters specified as length.
select STUFF (‘AXXBXXC’, 2, 2, ‘ZZ’) Ans: AZZBXXC
select STUFF (‘AXXBXXC’, 2, 2, ‘MNO’) Ans: AMNOBXXC
The function returns a 4 digit alphanumeric string for each given string value.
select Soundex ('color') Ans: C460
select Soundex ('colour') Ans: C460
1 It performs the calculation in the way the strings are sounded (or) pronounced.
2 We can make use of this function to perform comparisons between two strings which are sounded in the same way but has different spelling.
select * from Emp where Soundex (ename) = Soundex ('Smyth')
While applying the Soundex function it has to be applied on both sides of the
Now In this article I am going to explain string function in SQL.
String Functions
The following are the string functions.
It returns the ASCII value of the left character in the given string.
select ASCII ('A') Ans: 65
select ASCII (.ABC') Ans: 65
Char (n)
It returns the character representing the given ASCII value.
select Char (66) Ans: B
Lower (str)
It converts string into lower case.
select Lower ('SHARAD') Ans: sharad
Upper (str)
It converts string into upper case.
select Upper ('sharad') Ans: SHARAD
Len (str)
It returns the length of the given string.
select Len (‘Sharad’) Ans: 6
Left (str, n)
It returns specified 'n' no. of characters from the left side of the given string.
select Left ('Sharad', 4) Ans: Shar
select * from Emp where Left (ename, 3) Ans: Sha
Right (str, n)
It returns specified n no. of characters from the right side of the given string.
select Right ('Sharad', 4) Ans: arad
Ques Write a query to get a list of employees whose names end with the character 'rd'?
Ans select * from Emp where Right (ename, 2)='RD'
Ques Write a query to get a details of employees whose names 3rd & 4th characters are 'IT'?
Ans select * from Emp where Right (Left (ename), 4), 2)='IT'
Substring (s, START, length)
It returns a part of the string from the given string 's', From the specified start character and no. of characters specified as length.
select Substring ('Hello', 1, 3) Ans Hel
select Substring ('Hello', 2, 3) Ans ell
Ques Write a query to get a details of employees whose names 3rd & 4th characters are 'IT'?
Ans select * from Emp where Substring (ename, 3, 2)='IT'
Reverse (str)
It returns the given string in the reverse order.
select Reverse ('shri') Ans: irhs
LTRIM (str)
It returns a string length eliminating any empty characters if present in the left side of the given string.
select Len ('..shar') Ans: 6
select LTRIM ('..shar') Ans: 4
RTRIM (str)
It returns a string length eliminating any empty characters if present in the right side of the given string.
select Len ('Shar..') Ans: 4
select RTRIM ('Shar..') Ans: 4
RTRIM (str) function is not much useful because any empty characters in the end of the string is not considered.
Replace (str, search, replace)
It returns a new string by replacing each occurrences of the ‘search’ character with ‘replace’ character in the given string 'str'.
select Replace ('Hello', 'L', 'K') Ans: HeKKo
Ques Write a select statement which retrieves the details of the customers whose name is 'SHARAD GUPTA'?
Ans select * from Emp where Replace (ename, ' ', '') Ans: SHARADGUPTA
CharIndex (search, str [,start]
It is used for finding the index position of the search character within the given string 's'.
select CharIndex ('E', 'Hello') Ans: 2
select CharIndex ('o', 'Hello World') Ans: 5
select CharIndex ('o', 'Hello World', 6) Ans: 8
1 In the above case even if the string contains multiple ‘o’ characters in it, it always search and returns the index of the first character because the search starts from the first character.
2 'Start' is used for specifying the location from where the search has to be started.
select CharIndex ('X', 'Hello') Ans: 0
Ques Write a query to get the list of all the employees whose name contains character 'M' in them?
Ans select * from Emp where CharIndex ('M', ename) > 0
STUFF (str, start, length, Replace)
It replaces the given string with the Replace string from the specified starting character to the no. of characters specified as length.
select STUFF (‘AXXBXXC’, 2, 2, ‘ZZ’) Ans: AZZBXXC
select STUFF (‘AXXBXXC’, 2, 2, ‘MNO’) Ans: AMNOBXXC
The function returns a 4 digit alphanumeric string for each given string value.
select Soundex ('color') Ans: C460
select Soundex ('colour') Ans: C460
1 It performs the calculation in the way the strings are sounded (or) pronounced.
2 We can make use of this function to perform comparisons between two strings which are sounded in the same way but has different spelling.
select * from Emp where Soundex (ename) = Soundex ('Smyth')
While applying the Soundex function it has to be applied on both sides of the