Friday, July 29, 2016

SQL Wildcards Characters

In SQL wildcards characters are used with LIKE operator. It is used to search data from table.
The wildcards characters are given below:

Substitute for Zero or more characters
Substitute for a single characters
Used to find the range of characters to match
[^charlist] or [!charlist]
Match only character NOT specified within brackets

Example -
Firstly we create the table emp

SQL % wildcard

select * from emp where name like 's%'

output –

SQL _ wildcard

select * from emp where name like '_achin'

output – 

SQL [charlist] wildcard

select * from emp where name like '[sp]%'
 output – 

SQL [^charlist] wildcard

select * from emp where name like '[^sp]%'
select * from emp where name NOT LIKE '[sp]%'

output – 
                                                              Author - Sachin pathak